Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Teacher, Many Discussions: Fostering Independent Student Engagement

How do we balance student engagement with the needs of teaching?  How do we stretch the tight boundaries of classroom time?  Here is one approach which uses online forums and pre-class discussion as a way to prepare students.

<--Proposal - Facebook Gallery: In the Classroom-->

Friday, January 6, 2012

Student Engagement: Proposal for Center for Teaching and Learning Symposium

One Teacher, Many Discussions: Fostering Independent Engagement Among Students Inside and Outside the Classroom

In this presentation, we'll talk about how to foster more discussion between students both inside and outside the classroom as a way to enhance classroom cohesion and further students's intellectual engagement.
CTLT Panel Description - Presentation-->

Workshops: An ISU Writing Program Spring Summit Presentation

Title: "Forty-Six Students, Sixteen Weeks, and Eight-Point-Nine Billion Genre Conventions: Using the Writing Workshop to Provide Personalized Feedback for Each Student"

Recognizing the limited time we have with our students and the multiplicity of written and multimedia genres, it's essential that we find effective ways to provide helpful feedback without limiting our own comments to preconceptions of specific genre forms. The writing workshop provides an ideal forum for the instructor to foster a class-wide conversation regarding the writing process and the specific composition decisions made by our students.