Friday, June 8, 2012

Free Online Feedback! This Week Only!

Do you have a story or poem in need of feedback?  Would you like to share your work online?  Then submit your work for Online Review.  The first five writers to submit their work by June 15, 2012 will receive comprehensive feedback (totally free of charge) to be shared on the 12Writing homepage.  Read On to send us your work!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jessica Young

Jess has been organizing and arranging to bring some order to the chaos that is online writing.  You should take a look at the Tips for Writers tab she's been putting together - it's a growing reference guide to the helpful links we're finding online.  If you yourself have a link you'd like us to feature, Drop Us a Line.  And don't forget to read on more more about Jess.

Emily Moody

If you've visited Our Facebook Page lately, then you've already met Emily.  She goes through the internet to find most of the awesome links we have on the page.  But there's way more to Emily than faceless hyperlinks on the Facebook - be sure to Read More!

Ryan Edel

So what is it that really goes on inside Ryan's mind?  No one really knows.  He writes fiction, and he seems to speak it, too.  We aren't entirely certain when he is serious, or when he is trying to convince us of stories that simply aren't true.*